Sunday, September 04, 2005
Blog Information
This blog is part of the Communication Studies Honours course "iGeneration: Digital Communication & Participatory Culture" [186.482] run at the University of Western Australia. Currently, only members of this blog may post comments. If you have thoughts, comments (or complaints!) about this blog, please contact the course coorinator Tama Leaver. (NB: This course has ended, but this blog will remain online indefinitely both as a portfolio of the excellent work done by students and as an exemplar of a unit based around a course blog.)
- Proto-Proof-of-Concept Podcast [Tama Leaver]
- Rich and the Rural (A Podplay) [Gwyneth]
- The Simpsons: The iGeneration Podcast [Liz & Hilary]
- Christianity Podcast [Kaori]
- TombCast [Andrew]
- [Major Podcast Assignment]
Critical Evaluations
- Darknet Blog [Andrew]
- The Signal Podcast [Gwyneth]
- Daily Source Code Podcast [Hilary]
- Creative Commons Blog [Liz]
- Dan Gillmorâs blog [Kaori]
- [Critical Evaluation Exercise]
Previous Posts
- Journalism reaches new peaks
- New Orleans: citizen journalism
- Urgent *haha*
- Week 7 Seminar: Machinima: From Game Platforms to ...
- In respect to wiki
- Week 6 Seminar: Wikis - The Wikipedia, Collective...
- Critical Evaluation Exercise
- The ebay song
- Week 4 Seminar: Citizen Journalism
- It's someones Birthday!
Site Counter
I'd smack that slapper silly as a stewed sandwich
...with sauce
ewwww...with sauce?!
I dont even wana ask what sauce that is...for fear it might increase the ew factor lol :P
haha gwen, I reckon between you and me we could hijack this blog ;)
what with ebay songs and and dodgy postsecret postcards :P
Postsecret is "an ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard."
A bit like a digital confessional!
The clip we watched with a montage of confessions in teh first few weeks was a collage of postsecret images with music.
I think our hijacking has room for one more Andrew ;)
Heh. So true Hilary, but seriously I think our comments are insightful and highly intelligent... in no way dodgy at all!
...and that would be spotted mullet sauce...
Gwen, you have to realise...EVERYTHING WE SAY is intelligent :P
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